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September 18, 2022


Embracing decentralization in clinical trials

Recent events have led to significantly increased interest in Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs), with sponsors eager to embrace models that reduce or eliminate the need for participants to travel to a specific study site for treatment or monitoring. However, despite increased enthusiasm for this method of working, there is no universal definition of a DCT, rather this remains a catchall term for trials that incorporate mechanisms to reduce reliance on a single trial site.

This report looks at how the industry is rapidly embracing DCTs, what brought about this change and the current challenges faced, the types and definitions of DCTs, as well as what the benefits are of adopting a modern integrated approach through cloud-based platforms. 

  • Learn about the significant interest in DCTs with sponsors eager to embrace models that reduce or eliminate the need for participants to travel to a specific study site for treatment or monitoring.
  • Learn about the specific challenges faced when using this approach.
  • Explore the types and definitions of DCTs.
  • Discover the advantages of a cloud-based solution for clinical trial labeling.
  • Cloud
  • Supply Chain
  • Clinical Trials
  • Labeling
  • Track and Trace

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